Saturday, November 24, 2007

Future is Like a Black Hole

To me, right now, my future is like a black hole. I have no idea what I'm going to do in the future. I mean I have my interests, the ones that I know are feesible, and then the ones that I would love to be able to make happen. My parents have pounded many things into my head from the day I was born, but the one that is coming into usage lately is 'You can be anything you really want to be.' For the past few years, I wanted to be a meteorologist. I soon discovered what all I would have to do to fill this position. Meteorology is still one of my many interests, but I don't think I would be happy studying it for the rest of my life. I have always been a fan of a show down in Branson, Missouri called The Haygoods. The Haygoods consist of one sister and seven brothers. They work their butts off and put on the highest energy show in Branson, but they are having trouble pleasing everyone. When I was little, it was my dream to be a rockstar. When I reached the age of about 9 or 10, I discovered that was more than likely not going to happen. That year, we went down to Branson to find that The Haygoods had a theatre on the main strip in Branson (they started off in Silver Dollar City, a very popular theme park in the area). I was so happy for them! I then began thinking, 'Could I have a show in Branson? It isn't quite a rockstar job, but it sure is close!' Just a few days ago, I became aware of all of the hard work that it takes to be a preformer in Branson, not to mention all the money! Right now, I am trying to decide if I am willing to do all that work to have a show in Branson. I am beginning to ask myself why I wanted to do it in the first place, and if I could remain interested in it for the rest of my life. I have a lot of thinking to do, and I know I have a while to do it, but I am afraid that I will run out of time. Run out of time forgetting that I have to think about what I would like to do after I get out of high school. I hope it will clear up, but right now, my future is like a big black hole. I don't know where it leads to...yet.


annette07 said...


Very well written. Everyone should pursue their dreams. You never know where life will take you and have to rely on God as your compass.

Blogger_Girl_24 said...

Hey girl!
Go after those dreams! You'll never know if you don't ever try! I know you'll find something you love and will pursue it with all of your heart. Remember to pray about it and know God is always there.
"God can do anything you know, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams." ~Ephesians 3:20 (MSG)

Kim said...

Hey Brit,
I wanted to be a meterologist when I was younger, but then I grew out of that. I still like stuff about weather but wouldn't want that for a job. Anyways, over the years since going to Branson I've thought that it would be awesome to be in a show there...but I feel like I've discovered what I'd really like to do too late, but we'll see. I'm 22 and almost out of college and I still don't know exactly what my future holds.